Every new year brings with it our shiny, renewed promises to live as better iterations of
ourselves. We commit to living with more disciplined intent, to being truer to our authentic
selves and those we love, to striving harder towards the actualization of fulfilling our dreams yet
to come.
By the middle of January, many of those aspirations have dissipated, and we are left with the
sobering present moments of dissipated motivations. We must grapple for the remaining 354
days with the concrete reality that true progress takes time, focused commitment and often
arrives dressed as our most incredible failures.
We are always changing. It is my belief that in the final analysis, we have been given the
opportunity to decide who we land as on the other side of that change. It is my belief that when
we feel most at risk of drowning in our own shortcomings and failures… that if we just keep
believing in our visions and commit to putting one foot in front of the other towards the next best
thing we can be doing to inch us further towards them…that instead of drowning, we eventually
find the pearls awaiting us on the bottom of our ocean floors. We are transformed not by some
single momentous effort of magnanimous doing or achievement. We are transformed as we
choose to honor the process of our journey, and ourselves …one step, one day at a time.
My personal intention, during this time of great volatility and uncertainty in the world, is to
practice gratitude every day. Regardless of how grey the skies seem to be…we have been
given the precious gift of being alive to greet a New Year. Every single day I awaken with
breath in my lungs…I remind myself that the same God who hung the sun in the sky today, has
created beautiful adventures for me to discover in the 24 hours ahead. I commit to looking for,
and being motivated by the good I can find in the world. And today, I bring everything I am to
wherever my feet are planted and to living out loud, as best as I can.
Happy New Year. Whatever it is you envisioned for yourself this day, this week, this month, this
year- despite the obstacles in your way…keep on keeping on. We got this!